The League of Robot Runners Virtual Expo 2024
May 20th, from 1530 EDT (UTC-4)

Invited Speaker

Federico Pecora

From Click to Delivery:
Challenges and Opportunities in Multi-Agent Path Finding at Amazon

Federico Pecora
Senior Manager, Applied Science at Amazon Robotics

Abstract: Amazon tackles the problem of coordinating a heterogeneous fleet of hundreds of thousands of robots to go from a website click to a delivery at your door. We leverage problem decomposition to solve this huge optimization problem. In this talk I will provide an overview of the underlying motion, allocation, perception, and manipulation sub-problems, and discuss some of the challenges and opportunities their integration poses for research in MAPF.

Bio: Federico Pecora is a Senior Manager of Applied Science at Amazon Robotics. His research lies at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and focuses on combining methods from these two fields to develop solutions with high impact in society and industry. He believes in the alternation of application-driven and basic research: problems in concrete application settings often pose the most interesting and general research challenges, and addressing these challenges leads to better solutions for real applications. Federico leads the Movement Science team at AR's Research, Applied and Data Science organization.