The League of Robot Runners Virtual Expo 2024
May 20th, from 1530 EDT (UTC-4)


What Who Resources
15:30 Opening - Recording
Session 1 (Chair: Daniel Harabor)
15:35 From Click to Delivery:
Challenges and Opportunities in Multi-Agent Path Finding at Amazon
(Invited Talk)
Federico Pecora Recording
16:20 Competition Overview and Award Ceremony - Recording
16:50 Coffee Break - -
Session 2 (Chair: Yue Zhang)
17:00 Scaling Lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding to More Realistic Settings: Research Challenges and Opportunities He Jiang*, Yulun Zhang, Rishi Veerapaneni and Jiaoyang Li Report
Source Recording
17:15 Shadoks Approach for Lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding Aldo Gonzalez-Lorenzo* and Guilherme D. da Fonseca Report
Source Recording
17:30 Description of Ideas Used in League of Robot Runners 2023 Márton Ambrus-Dobai* Report
Source Recording
17:45 Puzzle Heuristics: Efficient Lifelong Multi-Agent Pathfinding Algorithm for Large-scale Challenging Environments Wonjong Lee*, Joonyeol Sim and Changjoo Nam Report
Source Recording
Session 3 (Chair: Zhe Chen)
18:00 2024 Competition Announcement - Recording
18:05 Community Discussion - -
18:30 End - -

* Presenter of the work.